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Writer's pictureDalton Jesmiel


Someone once said, “if you dislike you, why should I like you?” The greatest and best friend you can ever have is yourself. If you do not find yourself to be a friend with you, no one will want to be your friend. The Bible says, “Love your neighbour as you love yourself.” Which means you must begin by loving yourself before you can be able to extend genuine love to others around. If you do not appreciate yourself for being with yourself, no one will appreciate being with you. You must realize your value and worth to attract others to value you and respect you.

Most people placed their value and significance in others. They beg people to love them, and when those people fail or leave them, they become heartbroken and feel valueless. God did not create any person to be the value of the other. Your value is in you. God created and designed you uniquely to fulfil your purpose. And your purpose gives you value.

I teach people to discover their self-image and value by themselves and not to depend on anyone to realize it. When you depend on people, even when you fall, you will look for them to raise you up; but when you are independent of any person, even at fall, you rise by yourself.

Life is a personal race. Sometimes you need people to climb some ladders in your life, but that is if God destined them for you. If they are, they will come around in their season. But do not go about looking for people to lean on to feel loved and valuable. No one has your happiness. No one has your value. No one has your love. No one has your fulfilment. God has placed all that you need to be happy, valuable, loved, and fulfilled in you at creation. People play certain seasonal roles in our lives, but we must not allow them to be our centre of value and worth. The more you let people become your centre of value, the more you depreciate your sense of personal value.

I state the principle of self-esteem as this:

The more you own the value of your life on others, the more you lose it of yourself.”

What you hold as your source of value becomes your anchor in value. That is why, when you lost your source of value, you lose your value.

Know this today, God created you with a unique purpose, and your purpose is your value while God is your source of purpose. Discover your purpose today and place your value on God and not on anything, or anybody.

- Dalton Jesmiel

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